Monday 22 October 2012


Task 3: Essay

Cosmo girl is set out to be for a teenager, It contains a well known pop star that many teenage girls will know and relate to, it also has very girl related colors with the reds but also with the black gives the readers the idea that they are reading a more sophisticated magazine and one for an older audience and thats what they want to be. The idea of having a well known pop star for the whole audience to recognize continues throughout the magazine of 'More' and 'Bliss' connecting to the audience as they want to be like them. On these magazine also there are lots of colors that relate to the female teen audience including a lot of pink and attracts the audience. On all of these magazines it contains what these young girls want to be and makes them also want to be like them. On the covers it also shows very underweight girls and this is seen by the audience to be the perfect body even though they have the perfect body.

EssayTo what extent should magazines be held responsible for the social ramifications of the representations they offer?

There are many social effects on teenage girls due to the content of these magazines and although some give off the idea that looks is not everything, most still say glamorous girls are what should be seen and that all the girls should go out and glamorize themselves. This causes many effects in that young girls are pushed to wear make up and look slim to be like the girls on the magazine however in reality the models are underweight and the readers are the perfect weight but still are pushed to change their figures to look like these girls and this can cause to anorexia and other problems. Also on all the front covers of these magazines there are always beautiful women of a different level which give young girls a bad view of themselves and make them want to improve themselves to look like these women on the covers.
 Also on the front cover of these magazines there is a cover line relating to the way that these teenage girls should be dressing, how they should have their hair and how much make up they should be wearing putting great pressure on these young girls as it is seen as a must to have these features and also damages the self esteem of those who did not look like these models and at the ages of around 12-16 girls should not be worrying about these sort of things.
 On a lot of the teenage magazines there are a lot of female related colors including pink and reds however there are also very sophisticated colors such as a lot of blacks which makes the young audience feel older then they actually are and then pushes them to continue to act like someone of an older age. Also on the magazines shown the fonts used are some of serif fonts that again give a more sophisticated look to the magazine and again make the audience seem older and makes them dress and style themselves in an older manor due to them feeling more mature.

 Another topic that is discussed when talking about female teen magazines is that the magazines are too explicit for the young audience showing the models on the magazine with short skirts and tight tops and makes these young girls go out with the same sort of style presenting themselves in a bad way for such a young age and also makes young girls obsessed with their figure making sure that they look 'perfect'.

To conclude i believe that on magazines aimed at young teenage girls the models should not be presented to the audience as glamorous as they are to damage girls self esteem and to put pressure on the young girls and also to make the models and images on the magazine less explicit for the readers to make the audience want to go out like them and dress explicitly. Also there should be more of a specific target audience for these magazines for example having a certain genre for up to 17 and then another genre for 18 and above so the younger generation don't try to mature themselves to early.

Monday 15 October 2012

Magazine Cover Analysis

Task 2: Magazines and Audiences

Part 2: Magazine cover analysis

The magazine 'FourFourTwo' is a magazine that appeals very specifically to its target audience, the magazine appeals to fans of football and throughout the front cover it has a big football theme, the cover as a whole does not completely appeal to the male audience, however it has a very male orientated front cover. The whole of the cover is completely regarding football which appeals to the target audience of males because it instantly attracts to the audience, also in the bottom corner there is a line about beer and football together which relates to the target audience because they are the two things that males are related to. The masthead of the magazine reads 'FourFourTwo' which is known by all football fans to be a well known formation in football so instantly relates the audience to the magazine and makes them want to read it because they are attracted to it, the font of the masthead is very simple but also very easy to read and also a sophisticated masthead which explains that the magazine content will be completely regarding football. On the cover the main cover line regards one of the most well known men in football which the whole audience will know and when heard that his career may be over makes readers want to read to see what is happening. Also it has many cover lines all also relating to football engaging readers to what they want to read. There are also pull quotes on the front cover which draw readers in because they want to hear more on who thinks who is the 'Fat Maradona'. The font on the cover is very simple but bold which relates to the target audience as they don't want style, they just want to know about football. Also the main colour on the magazine is red which instantly refers to Manchester United and Sir Alex Ferguson.

Monday 8 October 2012

Terminology Glossary

Task 2: Magazines and Audiences

Part 1: Glossary of Terminology of Magazine Design

- The Title of a Magazine 

Main cover line

- A piece of text that elates to the main image on the cover

 A small image that identifies a magazine to its price and publisher
- The price explains how much the magazine will bee, not taking up a lot of space
Date line
- The date of when the magazine was released

Cover line
- A piece of information that relates to what is in the magazine

Pull quote

- Is a quote which is on the front cover picked from a part of an article in the magazine

Left Third
- A lot of information is on the left hand side of the magazine

Sell line
- A part of the magazine which makes it seem better than all the rest

Thematic link
- The colors that link the whole way through the magazine

Pull outs
- Come inside the magazine for free, small pull outs relating to the magazine

- A piece of information across the front cover which explained what the magazine will contain briefly

          Plug- A piece of information on the cover to entice the audience to buy the magazine
    Main image- The main image to show the genre of the magazine instantly and also show what will be in the magazine
    Puff- Words or phrases on the cover of a magazine used to boost status

Monday 1 October 2012

Introduction to Blogger

Task 1: Introduction to blogger

Things you can do with blogger
  • Socialize with your blog with thousands of people
  • post text, photos and videos on the blog
  • Make group post and make posts on the go on wireless connection
  • Can receive feedback from the readers of your blog
  • Customize your own account profile

How blogger will be useful for the coursework

  • Easily able to post work to be seen easily 
  • Will be easy to group all of work together 
  • keeps work well organized
  • Will be able to do work anytime
  • Will all be in same place so wont loose any work
  • Blog can be edited at anytime

                                                                                Video of some of the features when using blogger