Music Magazine: Research and Planning
With the many popular music magazines around at this time they all contain a very specific target audiences with a specific genre that their magazine will relate to, examples of magazines include NME which is a magazine that is related to mainly the genre of Indie/Rock another is Kerrang that is related to the genre of Punk Rock music. Rolling stones is a again a magazine aimed at the genre of Indie Rock. A magazine aimed at the genre of R&B is Vibe.

The genre of music that I will be focusing on on magazine will be Indie/Rock. This genre is an alternative rock that is diverse with lots of other sub-genres. The word indie stands for independent and refers to the 'do it yourself' attitude from the artists in this genre. Bands that appear in this genre include oasis, the Arctic Monkeys and the Stone Roses.
This is a double page spread example taken from the magazine NME which is from the genre of Indie Rock which is the genre that I will be aiming my magazine at. This shows what will be needed in the magazine and also what typical conventions the double page spread will have to contain. Instantly on this page the main headline stands out to be the first thing read as it is in Big, Black, Bold letters. Also it is a pull quote that attracts the reader to read the entire article as they want to find out what its about. The colours used on the double page spread are also effective as for most of it just has the colours of black and white that shows the magazines as very simple but also very sophisticated but also contains purple which indicates the power of the magazine The main image of the page is also effective as it shows an image of a band that is well known to all readers of the known genre and the image refers to the genre in the way they are dressed, the way way they are stood and the scenario that they are in.
Indie Rock
These three Indie Rock magazines all aim their magazines at the target audience of the genre of Indie Rock. All three main images on the cover relate instantly to well known artists in that certain genre, They also to relate to the clothing of the models and the instrument which all relate to the genre of Indie Rock. The titles of all these magazines are all purposely chosen in some or another to relate to the genre of music. NME, which stands for 'New Musical Express' simply shows how the magazine contains new music that you will want to listen too and draws the reader to buy the magazine. The name of Kerrang refers to the word of when playing a guitar and hitting a 'Kerrang' This relates to the genre of music of the magazine and draws readers in to buy it. Last of all is the magazine 'Spin' This is effective because it simple but sophisticated as it just shows the magazine is also simple but sophisticated and relates to the audience of the genre.
My magazine
An idea for my own magazine title is 'IRM' which simply stands for 'Indie Rock Magazine'. This title is both very simple but however also very sophisticated by showing that the magazine is also like this saying that the magazine is simply just about what it should be about and when reading it, it is about the genre and nothing else which will be attractive to readers because they want to read about that genre and nothing else. Another idea for a title is 'The Curve'. Although it doesn't completely refer to the Indie Rock genre, it is still effective. The 'the' in the title shows that the magazine is the only one you should buy and that the audience should buy it. This is effective as when the audience see this is makes them want it as it is described as the magazine that you should have. Also the title shows an edgy and courageous side to the magazines which also relates to the genre of Indie Rock. Good fonts for the title of the magazine are Big Bold letters and again a font that is edgy and courageous that can relate to the Indie Rock genre
- My magazine will be aimed at the genre of Indie Rock and will aimed at all ages, this gives a clear insight of what my magazine needs to contain and what it will need to relate too
- In my magazine it will contain mostly information of Indie Rock however it will also have references to other genres of music to keep the audience engaged to the magazine.
- The title of my Magazine will be 'The Curve'. This title is effective as it relates to the target audience by it being edgy and courageous, also it shows the magazine to be that it is a must have magazine and that it is the one individual magazine relating to Indie.
- The main cover line of my magazine will refer to the main image as the name of the band or artist of the image
- Other cover lines will be ones that will interest the target audience of the genre of Indie Rock, they will include other artists from the genre and anything that can relate to the audience.
- The Font that i will used will be simple but sophisticated that will relate to the genre and the target audience to go with it. It will also that the magazine is interesting but is not completely over the top.
- The image on the front of my magazine will be one that relates to the genre, it will be a band/singer of that genre and can easily be spotted to be from that genre.
- The colours that will be included on my magazine will be Red, Black and Blue because Red shows danger that relates to the genre as well as black that shows power and also Blue because it shows the idea of going solo and being on your own that relates to Indie well.
- The magazine will be size A4 and will be in portrait view
- Other images on the the cover will represent the genre of Indie rock and show the genre in a good way.
- The Double page spread in my magazine will be an interview with a band from the Indie Rock genre that are well known to that genre, It will contain images of the band and an audience grabbing headline.
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