Monday 15 April 2013

Evaluation Question 7

Evaluation Question 7

Looking Back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

From looking back at my preliminary task i feel as if my knowledge of In Design has improved massively. Inside of In Design i have learnt the place of all the tools needed to make my webpage and also have expanded my smaller knowledge by learning other techniques surrounding In Design such as how to enlarge just an image, without having to manually shrink it, through 'Free Transform' and have also learnt how to crop an image from a page with just the image and remove the parts around the image. The biggest difference from the preliminary task to now is  the professionalism of the work produced and how to make it look more professionally made including how to layout the webpage to fill blank spaces to make it look more exciting and attractable to the target audience. In my preliminary task my pages were very bland, did not have a lot going on in them and lacked creativity however in my music magazine there is much more going in and has been made with a higher class of creativity. It also contains a frequent colour scheme throughout the pages which is seen throughout many magazines that are around. I also did this for alot of other things, by looking at other magazines that are around it helped improve my own by making mine look more professionally done.
Although i believe that i have made a progression from my preliminary task, i still believe that there are aspects that could of still been improved. The picture quality on the images could have been alot better to look more professional as they were partly blurry. Also there were still a few blank spaces in regions such as on the front cover, places that could have been filled with other information to attract the magazine to the 
reader more.

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