Monday 19 November 2012

College Magazine Photos

Photos for college magazine cover

I went around the college to get some photos that could go on my south downs college magazine, i tried to get photos that would be suitable to go on the magazine and represent the college in a good way. These are some of the pictures that i took and which will go on my magazine.

This is the image that will go on the front cover of my college magazine as my main image, it is a medium close up of the model which fits well on the the magazine, it also gives space for my masthead and my cover line which the image relates to as the cover line is that the college has got its best result ever and thats what the image shows.

This image shows the front of the college with the college log on a board that shows the college as a welcoming and friendly place, it also shows that the first thing you see as you enter the college shoeing that is is the most important thing.

This image shows a image from the LRC that shows the college as a friendly learning environment and that the college contains a place that students can go to to catch up on work or find information they need, the image briefly shows the resources the LRC has and could on on the contents page of my magazine.

This image shows an empty classroom that can go on the contents page showing that there are reasonable sized classrooms that are good for learning and shows the college as place that students would want to go to learn.

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